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“Occasionally redacted title pages from books found in those ‘Little Free Libraries’ you see around… i’d just rip out what I wanted and leave the book where I found it. Usually the title was the most interesting part, anyways.” (2019) ‘Work’,…


“I love garbage, trash – anything I find on the ground instantly becomes mine. A big reason why I enjoy walking so much is that there is always something to find. Anyways, I tend to collect what I find, bring…

Erased by Grace

“A bit more experimental than the others – using more ‘uncreative writing’ concepts than the other PPP books. Lots of automatic/generative writing.” (2019) Erased by Grace, 163 pages / Desire Assistance BooksOut of PrintPDF

Abandonment Issues

“Poems from zines, 2015-2019. This was probably the best selling PPP book – I don’t even have a copy myself.” (2019) Abandonment Issues, 240 pages / Desire Assistance BooksOut of PrintPDF

Big Sky Windows Vista

“Poems about ground zero, Jodorowsky, dying in a war zone, click bait, climate change, Yves Klein blue, petty crimes, class war, the Office on Netflix, and comparing my wife to a rotisserie chicken.” (2019) Big Sky Windows Vista, 64 pages /…

0kb File Size Post-Ritalin High

“Mostly hangover scribblings from a new love period – they go hand in hand, for me. Topics vary from eating leftover Chinese food in the morning, picking people up from the airport, Annie Lennox, the flu, and social media perception…


“So this one – this is a ‘translation’ poem, moving the original book from French to English – except I don’t really speak French. My French is awful, unspeakable: I have an elementary school understanding of it all, so I…

Depression Era

“Xeroxed prints of redacted novels – I was perhaps in a bad place, a negative place. I was thinking about poetry but wound up with pity.” (2019) Depression Era, 90 pages / Desire Assistance BooksOut of PrintFlip-ThroughPDF

The Juelz of Harlem

“Very casual reworking of this Samuel Delany book where each character is now 90’s NY rap adjacent – was made exclusively for NYABF so I wanted it to remain topical.” (2019) The Juelz of Harlem, 192 pages / Desire Assistance BooksOut…