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‘Tesoro,’ Meaning Sweetheart

“This is a classic Karakostas ‘flexible-narrative’ – a man contemplates head injuries, switching jobs, moving apartments, fast food and seemingly unrelated things while sitting on his computer and taking an inventory of his house. Every object reminds him of a…

Wasting Time on the Internet

“This uses the structure of Kenneth Goldsmith’s book (of the same name) in order to detail how I, personally, waste time on the internet – mostly meditations on being so distracted by technology that I fail to use it in…

How Much Jest Can You Take?

“This was the first real ‘internet’ book – I had trained a bot to write pieces based on my search history, and matched that with SEO dummy text, speech-recognition failures, inaccurate predictive text, emails from foreign princes.” (2020) How Much Jest…

Capitalist Plagiarism

“Made as companion pieces for a course focused on Mark Fisher and memes, this starts with an erased version Capitalist Realism followed by the original piece. Capreal dominated the early days of lockdown for me, i’d say 75% of the…

Plagiarism and Schizophrenia

“Erasure poem using Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘Anti-Oedipus’ and ‘A Thousand Plateaus’ as the source material, left in chronological order – trimming it down to just poetry.” (2020) Plagiarism and Schizophrenia, 68 pages / Desire Control BooksOut of PrintFlip-ThroughPDF

The Culture of Narcissism

“This was a riff on the Richard Prince – Catcher in the Rye idea… repackaging a book, repurposing it as mine. I wanted to do something with Christopher Lasch and I felt like I had to take the narcissistic route:…

Sacred Geometry

“Folded/detailed erotic calling cards, part of the greater Hoarder series but enough of these exist to warrant their own book.” (2020) Sacred Geometry, 70 pages / Desire Control BooksOut of PrintPDF

DJ Incel Obama

“What can I say, I was really into hyperpop. One of these was live on the Rave Theory, the other was live on Instagram until I got DMCA’d. Really early lockdown stuff, i’m sure my neighbors fucking hated me.”

Selected Poetry Zines 2019-2017

“I had forgotten about half of these until this very moment. I believe that these all found eventual reprints, likely in the post-plagiarism collection, but these editions… were all of a fairly short run. Most of these were made for…

If I Did It

“Ahh, I had an idea of slowly cataloging specific ‘topics’ that I no longer really shoot: graffiti, skateboarding, models, etc. I wanted to archive work in one place so that I could forget about it. This book has images from…