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Board Up the House

“Full disclosure: I really love this book. Even I, my harshest critic, really must admit that this one nails ‘the point’ i’ve been trying to make. This is another ‘automatic’ book, built from single lines scraped from bookmarked websites while…

Backrooms 1992

“Backrooms 1992 was built using the original Wolfenstein 3D engine (from ’92) based around the endless maze of the Backrooms… in the game, you essentially walk through an endless liminal space with nothing but overhead lights and faded yellow walls.…

Threat Assessment Center

“Originally made as a companion piece for ‘Untitled David Lynch Film,’ TAC is focused around schizophrenia and Youtube – echo chambers, confirmation bias, and how these platforms are built to amplify any issue or concern you might have. This is…


“immediate enlightenment — infinite liberation — eternal light” — when we face a blank page i would certainly have ticked the box marked ‘struggling’ — the way things were supposed to work had left us disillusioned in similar ways i…


monday at the end of november or the beginning of december the new year is far away still unusually closer to nothing graffiti proclaims “time will not pass!” this final message disrupts my life all communications appear obscurely threatening lately…

Self-Portrait in a LED Screen

“This book contains my complete, unedited Google search history from January 1st 2021 to January 1st 2022. The work was sourced from Google’s ‘My Activity’ and searched through either an iPhone 11 or a MacBook Pro. It bounces between work…