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Late Bloomer

“Late Bloomer is 160 pages of ‘revisited’ locations and scenarios – new photographs of old places, stuff I had photographed before but wanted to go and do it again, etc. I had been really fixated with the idea that what…

I Did It Wrong the First Time

“I could sum this one pretty quickly. This book is filled with secondary attempts at finding ‘the right photo’ of places/things i’ve shot previously. Something to combat the psychic agony of getting home and processing film and realizing that i’ve…

Permanent Culture

“Permanent Culture is the catch-all title for ‘the big New Brunswick project.’ My hard study on the billboards and backroads of NB – from top to bottom, driving back and forth over and over again so I can be sure…


Dimitri Karakostasb. 1988 in Toronto.Dimitri Karakostas is a chronic self-publisher of both writing and art books, currently working on ‘various mysterious projects.’ After retiring from ‘traditional’ projects and exhibitions, he now opts to focus on the internet instead. Say hello: commercial work…

Commit to the Bit

“Man, ok. This is the 4th edition of this particular book, but maybe the 15th printing of ‘Portrait of the Young Artist as Bart Simpson’ as a whole. Truly embarrassing stuff from when I was an overly emotional late-teenager/early-20s guy…

Chicken Little 2

“Remember a few months ago when everyone was saying that Twitter was over, it’s gonna die, etc? Yeah? What a crazy time, huh. Every day a new end-of-the-world scenario. I wanted to keep some of those memories, needed to hold…