Late Bloomer

“Late Bloomer is 160 pages of ‘revisited’ locations and scenarios – new photographs of old places, stuff I had photographed before but wanted to go and do it again, etc. I had been really fixated with the idea that what I like at 35 is roughly the same as what I liked at 25 and 15 – only difference is that I have absolutely no interested in photographing people camping up some role as ‘graffiti guy,’ ‘cool skateboarder,’ ‘tumblr girl,’ etc. No, don’t really like that anymore. Not too interested in people these days. I’m just looking for the big abandoned Baptist church (in the woods [overgrown with brush on a foggy day]) of my dreams, man.

Photographs of spreads don’t cut it for this one. It’s a straightforward (and oversized) photo book meant to be opened up and stared at. If you can’t do that, I suggest viewing the bulk of the work here:”

(2023) Late Bloomer, 168 pages
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